What is Podiatry?
Podiatry is a branch of medicine dedicated to the lower limb. Conditions treated by podiatrists are not always acute, but often of a long standing nature.
Some conditions in the case of children are part of their growth. Conditions treated involve the joints and bones, soft tissues, nerves and vessels, or a combination of these.
Why See A Podiatrist?
Podiatrists are specialists in treating the lower limb and therefore are well placed to address specific concerns, offer advice and plan a treatment programme. Treatment programmes may include insoles, stretching programmes, orthotics, foot wear advice, nail care, or referral to a surgeon or another specialist when appropriate. Any podiatrist should be able to provide the most up to date advice and treatments. As professionals they are well placed to liaise with other health professionals when needed.
When Should I See One?
Any foot pain or problem should ideally be seen as soon as possible. As with most medical conditions, treatment is usually more effective the sooner it is started: less accumulated damage usually contributes to a better outcome.
When choosing to see a Podiatrist it is wise to ensure that they are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.
Our services
Nail Surgery
A procedure where either a portion or the whole toenail is permanently removed, this can be because the toenail has become painful as a result of damage, involution or an ingrown toenail. Sometimes they can become infected.
At Tidy Feet, we offer both surgery & aftercare to ensure you have the best possible experience.
Package price from | £580
We can provide insole therapy where appropriate and indicated by an in depth consultation and assessment are made prior to prescription. Both custom made and over the counter devices are available: custom made devices are made locally by a orthotosist in Northamptonshire and over the counter devices are supplied by the established French company Sidas.
Recover of Insoles | £50
Footbed Type Insoles | £80-120
Casted Device | £240-300
Gait Analysis
Gait analysis is a process to observe and understand the pattern of moving. It often involves understanding injury and/or disease processes, is also closely linked to assessment prior to insole prescription and in some cases leads to a referral to a surgeon.
Verruca Treatment
Verruca treatment options include needling and K Laser (See K-Laser section).
Verruca needling is recognised internationally as a highly successful treatment that does not leave scar tissue. The administration of anaesthetic makes this procedure pain free as well as efficient. The treatment forms part of a package, including follow up appointments.
Needling 45 mins | £250
General Footcare & Referrals
Foot care services are dependent on the individual needs of the patient. We view our care as changing to meet the needs of our patients and act to continually assess and review, either as short term issues are resolved or long-standing health changes. We refer patients to other services, consult with GP’s, and liaise with Podiatry and Orthopaedic surgeons as required.
New Patients 45 minutes | £65
Follow Up 30 mins | £55
Laser Treatment
The clinic is a proud local provider of both K-Laser and Lunula Laser systems used to effectively treat a range of conditions, including: Fungal nail infections, Veruccas, Plantar Fasciitis, Sprains, and a range of other soft tissue ailments.
Prices dependent upon treatment package, clearly explained and agreed with you prior to treatment commencement.